2020 Events


Lunchtime Seminar Series #4

A/EM Postgraduate students Quick Fire Session 

Date/Time: Thursday 26 November, 12 – 1 pm.

Location: 507-G080.

All welcome.

This seminar will feature the following presentations: 

  • Anna Ponnampalam School of Medical Sciences – PG Projects: Pregnancy complications in Asian women
  • Lovely Dizon School of Population Health – Navigating ethnic identity research as an insider
  • Monisha Anand School of Population HealthGender, femininity and tobacco smoking behaviour among women in LMICs – a systematic review
  • Jo Dykgraaf School of MedicineNeuropeptides in the tear film of patients with diabetes
  • Dr Lathika Athauda School of Population HealthResearch experience from a school-based survey on alcohol use in Sri Lanka
  • Juanita Rojas School of Population HealthWhat works in preventing intimate partner violence among Latin Americans? The link between context and regulatory systems of intimate partner violence 


Lunchtime Seminar Series #3

Strategic Issues in Undertaking Asian/Ethnic Minority Health Research in New Zealand

Date/Time: Thursday 22 October, 12 – 1 pm.

Location: 507-G135.

Members only session.

To become a member of CAHRE Click Here.


Lunchtime Seminar Series #2

Quick-Fire Presentations from FMHS Staff

Thursday 24 September, 12.00 – 1.00pm

Zoom Link: https://auckland.zoom.us/j/7041250338

Meeting ID: 704 125 0338

This seminar will feature the following presentations:

  • Dr Rodrigo Ramalho School of Population HealthTobacco smoking in Latin America
  • Dr Gary Cheung School of MedicineLiving with Dementia in Aotearoa (LiDiA) study in Asian communities
  • Dr Karen Day School of Population HealthTranslation Apps and its use by Medical Practitioners
  • Dr Yan Chen School of MedicineIntergenerational narratives and adolescent well-being across cultures
  • A/P Rachel Simon-Kumar School of Population HealthGender bias in ethnic communities
  • Dr Stuti Misra School of MedicineEye health in Asian and ethnic minority communities
  • Dr Roshini Peiris-John School of Population HealthHealth and wellbeing of Aotearoa’s Asian adolescents
  • Dr Joanna Chu School of Population HealthTBD


Lunchtime Seminar Series #1

Inaugural Seminar

Thursday 27 August, 12.00 – 1.00pm

Zoom Link: https://auckland.zoom.us/j/96648053646

Meeting ID: 966 4805 3646

This seminar will have three presentations:

  • Associate Professor Rachel Simon-Kumar and Dr Roshini Peiris-John (Co-Directors of the Centre) will introduce the Centre and its activities
  • Annie Chiang (Research Assistant, Departments of Social & Community Health and Epidemiology & Biostatistics), will present a Stocktake Of New Zealand Asian And Ethnic Minority Health Research (2010-2019)
  • Nimisha Chabba (Masters student and Research Assistant, Department of Social & Community Health) will speak on Ethnic Minority Women in New Zealand: A Demographic Profile using 2018 Census

The presentations will be followed by an Open Forum.

The presentation can be downloaded here.


Kōrero with CAHRE

“Public health and Asian/ethnic minority communities in the time of COVID-19”

Wednesday 6 May, 12:00 – 1:00pm

Zoom Link:https://auckland.zoom.us/j/94043106590

Meeting ID: 940 4310 6590

The forum is aimed as a conversation among researchers to provide insight into the diverse ways in with Asian and ethnic minority communities are impacted by the current pandemic.

The idea is to create a shared space for discussing trends and developing future ideas on pandemics and the Asian/ethnic communities.

Some of the themes could include:

  • Particular ethnicity-based vulnerabilities to disease (any international or local research)
  • Challenges in lockdown
  • Envisioning an ethnic-sensitive response
  • Health workforce needs from and ethnic perspective
  • Stigma and Racism
  • Any other